This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
400.ZOR.12571 Film works II : music for an untitled film by Walter Hill
John Zorn • Cyro Baptista; Anthony Coleman; Carol Emanuel; Andy Haas; Jim Pugliese; Marc Ribot; David Shea
New York : Tzadik, p1996
400.ZOR.12574 Film works, IV : S,M + more
John Zorn•
New York : Tzadik, 1997
400.ZOR.12576 Film works V : tears of ecstasy
John Zorn • Robert Quine; Marc Ribot; Cyro Baptista; Jason Baker; Oki Hiroyuki
New York : Tzadik, 1996
400.ZOR.12579 First recordings 1973
John Zorn•
New York : Tzadik, p1995
400.ZOR.12581 Locus solus
John Zorn • Peter Blegvad; Christian Marclay; Arto Lindsay; Anton Fier; Wayne Horvitz; Ikue Mori; M. E. Miller; Whiz Kid
[New York] : Tzadik; [Tokyo] : Evva, cop. 1991
400.ZOR.12582 The classic guide to strategy
John Zorn•
New York : Tzadik, 1996
400.ZOR.12584 Elegy
John Zorn • Barbara Chaffe; David Abel; David Shea; David Slusser; William Winant; Mike Patton; Scummy
[New York] : Tzadik; [Tokyo] : Evva, p1992
400.ZOR.12596 Nani nani
John Zorn • Yamantaka Eye; Dekoboko Hajime
New York : Tzadik, p1995
400.ZOR.12602/AB Black box
John Zorn • Bill Frisell; Wayne Horvitz; Fred Frith; Joey Baron; Yamataka Eye; Naked City
New York : Tzadik, p1996
400.ZOR.12606/AB Bar kokhba
John Zorn•
New York : Tzadik, 1996
Results 11 of about 20 (total 40) - CD/Multimedia (40) and Books (0)

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