This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
031.MAI.17050+ Tabla Tarang - melody on drums
Pandit Kamalesh Maitra • Trilok Gurtu; Laura Patchen; Anthony Seeger; Amy Horowitz
Washington : Smithsonian Folkways; Berlim : International Institute for Traditional Music, 1996
089.MCC.17210 Jigs, reels'n'rags by fiddlin' Ian McCamy and his Celtic Reelers
Ian McCamy • Rob Fuke; Roger Morand; Pascal Segard; Olivier Chambonniere; Celtic Reelers
Vincennes : Frémeaux & Associés, 2000
090.SAL.17257+ ... No tempo das cerejas
Gonçalo Salgueiro • Amália Rodrigues; Carlos Gonçalves; Álvaro Duarte Simões; Maria de Lourdes De Carvalho; Pedro Homem de Melo; Leonel Neves; António Mestre; Reinaldo Faria; Alain Oulman; David Mourão Ferreira; José Fontes Rocha; Alexandre O'Neill; Raúl Ferrão; José Galhardo; Cuco Sánchez; Bacalov; Sergio Endrigo; Bardotti; Charles Aznavour; Albert Lamy; Luís de Camões; Tim Hinchey; Jaime Santos Júnior; Marino de Freitas
Lisboa : Strauss, 2002
290.ASH.17403 Ashfield
Ashfield • António Soares; Pedro Pereira Neto; Nuno Lamy; Lélia Matos; Maria Lalande; Sérgio Teles
[Almada : Ashfield, 2002]
800.STR.17695/+ L'histoire du soldat = The soldier's tale = Die geschichte vom soldaten [Documento electrónico]
Igor Stravinsky • David Porcelijn; Jiri Kylian; Nacho Dauto; Aryeh Weiner; Gerald Tibbs; Teresina Mosco; Fiona Lummis; Lionel Hoche; Karin Heyninck; Sabine Kupferberg; Brigitte Nguyen; France Nguyen; Jean-Louis Cabané; Martin Corri; Shaun Amyot; Glen Eddy; Phillip Taylor; James Vincent; Gabriel Cattand; Phillip Clay; Pierre-Marie Escourrou; Sjef Douwes; Kees Hülsman; Hendrick Jan Lindhout; Nederlands Dans Theater
[München?] : Arthaus Musik, 1988
600.CLA.17851/AB Classic American poetry
•Anne Bradstreet; Edward Taylor; Philip Freneau; Francis Scott Key; William Cullen Bryant; Ralph Waldo Emerson; John Greenleaf Whittier; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Edgar Allen Poe; Oliver Wendell Holmes; Jones Very; Henry David Thoreau; Julia Ward Howe; Herman Melville; Walt Whitman; Henry WadsworthLowell, James Russell Longfellow; Frederick Goddard Tuckerman; Emily Dickinson; Frances E. W. Harper; Sydney Lanier; Stephen Crane; Paul Lawrence Dunbar; Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt; Edward Arlington Robinson; Robert Frost; Amy Lowell; Carl Sandburg; Vachel Lindsay; Wallace Stevens; Elinor Wylie; Robinson Jeffers; Alan Seeger; Edna St. Vicent Millay; Dorothy Parker; E. E. Cummings; Stephen Vincent Benet; Langston Hughes; Ogden Nash; Howard Nemerov; Alice Walker; Garrick Hagon; Liza Ross; William Hootkins; Kate Harper; James Goode; Alibe Parsons
[Hamburg?] : Naxos AudioBooks, 2000
049.KAR.18028 Karametade
Karametade • Samyr; Dodô; Marcinho; Pepê; Waguininho; Marcelo C. Q.; Mury
[Brasil] : Sony Music, 2002
200.ALI.18045 The love junk store
The Alice Band • Charity; Audrey; Amy
[London?] : Instant Karma, 2002
200.COU.18207 Country : special collection
•Patsy Cline; Willie Nelson; Melanie; Charlie Pride; Johnny Paychek; Emmylou Harris; Charl Jackson; Kenny Rogers; Roger Miller; Marty Robbins; Don Gibson; Johnny Cash; Hank Lockling; Sonny James; Ferlin Husky; Sammy's Saloon; The Bellamy Brothers
[S.l. : Rondo, [199-]
200.EVA.18518 Fallen
Evanescence • Amy Lee; Ben Moody; David Hodges; Francesco DiCosmo; Josh Freese
[New York?] : Wind-up Records, 2003
Results 31 of about 40 (total 82) - CD/Multimedia (80) and Books (2)

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