This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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  Call Number Title Name Publication
500.VID.16413 La vida Mickey
•D. Child; R. Rosa; L.G. Escolar; Tito Puente; P. Prado; Lou Bega; Zippy; C. Villa; A. Monroy; E. Garcia; Gloria Estefan; J. Casas; J. De Faria; C. Ostwald; J. Orbon; Pete Seeger; J. Marti; M. Himelstein; M. Marinangeli; R. Valens; P. Barry; M. Taylor; J. Kay; R. Moreve; E. Daniel; H. Adamson; J. Dodd; Lou Bega; Myra; MDO
Hamburg : Walt Disney, 2000
200.SWA.18184/AB Groovetechnology : v1.3
Swayzak • James Taylor; David Brown; Philippe Camm; Pile; Akufen; Styro 2000; Headgear; Ellen Allien; Delay 05A; Ricardo Villalobos; Luomo; Cim; Herbert; Colin Newman; Corrado Izzo; Stephan Laubner; M. Mayer; Kotai; Bader; Son.sine; Basic Channel; Closer Musk; Convextion; Monolake; Studio 1; Bergheim 34; Round Four; Bitstream
London : Groovetech; Berlin : !K7, [2002]
200.AFR.20221/X Africa deluxe
•Beifus; Tony Allen; Mr. Tea; Taylor M.; Stolen Beat; Ladysmith Black Mambazo; RSL; Arsenal; Deela; African Rhythm Travellers; Double MP; Ghetto Muffin; KaNdoo; Lost & Found; Mburu; Waititu
[Lisboa] : Difference, p2005
049.BRA.21278/AB/X Brazilounge : new electro-world rhytms from Brazil
•Adriana Calcanhoto; Rajae El Mouhandiz; Marissa; Valeria Sattamini; Marco André; Taylor M.; Mylene; Marcos Valle; Sylvia Patrícia; Edson X; Roberto Coelho; Cris Delanno; Samuel Fraga; Célia Mara; Eliza Lacerda; Funk Como Le Gusta; Bossacucanova; Licksamba; Gaïa; Remake the Cake; Maracutaia; Feeling Carioca; Tarek; Regra 4; Deeper Sense; Metrô
Portugal : Difference, 2006
290.TRE.24410/AB/X 3 pistas : vol. 2
•Linda Martini; Paulo Praça; Tiago Guillul; Margarida Pinto; Nuno Prata; JP Simões; Sérgio Godinho; Jamie Reynolds; James Righton; Davis Taylor; Carlos Tê; Hélder Gonçalves; Fernando Tordo; Adolfo Luxúria Canibal; Miguel Pedro Guimarães; António Cunha; Carlos Fortes; Black Francis; David Santos; Miguel Ângelo; Valter Hugo Mãe; Rui Reininho; Billy Idol; Paulo Franco; João Guincho; Pedro Ayres Magalhães; Paulo Pedro Gonçalves; Miguel Cardona; Amy Winehouse; A. Young; B. Johnson; M. Young; Armando Gama; Paulo Gouveia; Nuno Rafael; Sean Riley; Bruce Springsteen; Miguel Esteves Cardoso; Pedro Oliveira; Rodrigo Leão; Nuno Cruz; Paulo Marinho; Tom Jobim; Chico Buarque; Susana Noronha; Fred Cristiano; Henrique Amaro; Clã; Mundo Cão; Noiserv; Peixe:Avião; Born a Lion; Dapunksportif; The Poppers; D3ö; The Vicious Five; Os Pontos Negros; Sean Riley & The Slowriders; At Freddy's House; Beastie Boys; The Ramones
[Lisboa] : Valentim de Carvalho; [Carnaxide] : iplay, p2009
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