This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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  Call Number Title Name Publication
200.YES.01921/AB Tales from topographic oceans
Yes • Eddie Offord; Jon Anderson; Steve Howe; Chris Squire; Rick Wakeman; Alan White
US : Atlantic, 1973
200.YES.02655 Close to the edge
Yes • Eddie Offord; Jon Anderson; Bill Bruford; Steve Howe; Chris Squire; Rick Wakeman
USA : Atlantic, 1972
200.ASI.03411 Alpha
ASIA • Geoff Downes; Steve Howe; Carl Palmer; John Wetton
EUA : Geffen, 1983
200.ASI.03412 Astra
ASIA • Geoff Downes; Steve Howe; Carl Palmer; John Wetton; Mandy Mayer
EUA : Geffen, 1985
200.HOW.04952 The Steve Howe album
Steve Howe•
Estados Unidos da América : Atlantic, 1979
300.FLO.06526/AB Susannah
Carlise Floyd • Cheryl Studer; Samuel Ramey; Jerry Hadley; Ken Chester; Michael Druiett; Steven Cole; Stuart Kale; David Pittsinger; Anne Howells; Della Jones; Jean Glennon; Elizabeth Laurence; Kent Nagano; Choeur et Orchestre de L'Opera de Lyon
London : Virgin, 1994
200.YES.07494 Highlights : The very best of Yes
Yes • Jon Anderson; Peter Banks; Bill Bruford; Tony Kaye; Chris Squire; Steve Howe; Rick Wakeman; Patrick Moraz; Alan White; Trevor Rabin
New York : Atlantic Records, 1993
100.HOU.10627/X Hound Dog Taylor : A tribute
•Hound Dog Taylor; Luther Allison; Jim Solberg; Ernest Williamson; Dave Smith; Steve Potts; Son Seals; Red Groetzinger; Dan Rabinovitz; John Randolph; Tony Z.; Noel Neal; David Russel; Sonny Landreth; Danny Kimball; David Ranson; Jerry Lejeune; Warren Haynes; Allen Woody; Matt Abts; Magic Slim; John Primer; Nick Holt; Earl Howell; Bob Margolin; Chuck Cotton; Elvin Bishop; Evan Palmerston; Larry Vann; Vernon Reid; Alvin Hart; Curtis Watts; Dave Hole; Johnny Gayden; Ray Allison; Michael Hill; Kevin Hill; Tony Lewis; George Thorogood; Billy Blough; Jeff Simon; Ronnie Earl; Paul Rischell; Annie Raines; David Maxell; Jim Mouradian; Per Hanson; Cub Koda; Brewer Phillips; Ted Harvey; Lil'ed Williams; Mike Garret; James Young; Kelly Littleton
Chicago : Alligator, 1997
400.RIL.15150 In C : 25th anniversary concert
Terry Riley • Bruce Ackley; Steve Adams; Don R. Baker; Chris Brown; George Brooks; Steve Coughlin; Blake Derby; Bill Douglass; Mihr'un'Nisa Douglass; Hank Dutt; David Harrington; Don Howe; Joan Jeanrenaud; Alden Jenks; Henry Kaiser; Jaron Lanier; Bill Maginnis; George Marsh; Shabda Owens; Jon Raskin; Gyan Riley; Gino Robair; John Sackett; Ramón Sender; John Sherba; Toyoji Tomita; Danny Tunick; William Winant; Evan Ziporyn; Loren Rush
San Francisco : New Albion Records, 1995
200.SIN.16536/AB/X Sing a song for you : tribute to Tim Buckley
•Tim Buckley; Simon Raymonde; Anneli Drecker; Brendan Perry; Mark Lanegan; Mike Johnson; Heather Duby; Dot Allison; Neil Halstead; Russel Yates; Michael Conray; Giles Hall; Mitsuo Tate; Rachel Goswell; Simon Rowe; Alan Forrester; Ian McCutcheon; Ian Masters; David Rothon; Brent Arnold; Jen Charowhas; Eyviend Kang; Adam McCollom; Zeke Keeble; Phil Ek; Caroline Crawly; Jem Tayle; Boris Williams; Jules Singleton; Mike Arnold; Eyvand Kang; Liam McKahey; Davey Ray Moor; Joe Peet; Robin Brown; Craig Vear; Dan "The Professor" Samson; Cody Burns; Joe Irving; Bo Gillian; Michael Shilling; Kevin Suggs; Mick Tedder; Malcolm Scott; Gemma Hunter; Gareth Griffiths; Tim Holmes; Andrew Montgomery; Stuart Evans; Steve Dora; Keith Graham; Douglas Caskie; Robin Evans; Kurt Heasley; Mark Candini; Don Devore; Paul Hammond; Paul Sinclair; Chris Powell; Hamish Kilgour; Lisa Siegel; Danny Tunick; Miggie Littleton; Mark Howell; Nick Holton; Gareth Parton; Paul Anderson; Nick Avery; Ian Painter; Ida Akesson; John Parish; John Grant; Andy Monley; Roger Green; Chris Pearson; Jeff Linsenmaier; Simon Raymonde; Mario Casilio; Lisa Schultz; Moose; Mojave 3; The Friendly Science Orchestra; Shelleyan Orphan; Cousteau; Geneva; Lilys; The Czars; The Mad Scene; Tram
Los Angeles : Manifesto, 2000
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