This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
290.RAD.19378 Acordar
Rádio Macau • Xana; Flak; Alexandre Cortez; Filipe Valentim; Samuel Palitos; Helge Norbakken; Ana Deus; Quinteto Lusitânia
[Lisboa] : Universal Music Portugal, p2003
290.FLU.19921 Roulette
Flux • Nuno G.M.; Manuel Costa; Richard Pedroso; Roland Cernavoda; Samuel Palitos; João F. Gomes; Paulo Abelho; João Eleutério; D. Ash; K. Haskins; DJay
Lisboa : Transformadores, p2004
290.MAR.19998 Mark Lewis & the Standards
Mark Lewis & the Standards • Mark Lewis Tompkins; Nuno Rebelo; Vítor Rua; Alexandre Cortez; Samuel Palitos; Vera Mantero; Miguel Leiria Pereira; Frédéric Guérin; Fabrice Kieffer
[Lisboa] : Transformadores, p2005
200.ANG.19999/X Angel of ashes : a tribute to Scott Walker
•Scott Walker; Simão Praça; Paulo Praça; Kiko Serrano; Joe Budenholzer; Joe McGinty; Todd Cohen; Sally Doherty; Tobias Strahl; Silvia Schmidt; Alexander Meier; Eclipse; Henrique Amoroso; Pedro Temporão; Frederico Cunha; Carlos António Santos; Gonçalo Botelho de Sousa; Nuno Damião; Lloyd James; Joanne Owen; Matt Howden; Sieben; Flak; Xana; Jorge Palma; Rose McDowall; JP Simões; Sérgio Costa; Bruce LaFountain; Mind Veneration; John Murphy; Paulo Prazeres; João Eleutério; Ruben; Paulo Abelho; Simone Hellvis Salvatori; Andrea Freda; Francesko Sost'o; Alex Pax; Marc Blackie; Gary Parsons; David E. Williams; Aranos; Emma Smith; Liz Hanks; Winkie Thin; Samuel Palitos; Eilish McCracken; Joanna Quail; Rui Alves; Jerome Deppe; Henrique Amaro; Plaza; Backworld; Dies Natalis; Corsage; Naevus; Raindogs; The Sword Volcano Complex; BCN; Spiritual Front; Sleeping Pictures
[Lisboa] : Transformadores, p2005
290.LIS.21171 Above the sky below the sea
Lisa Mona • Miguel C.; Jorge Nuno; Hernâni Neves; Samuel Palitos
[Vila Nova de Gaia] : Independent Records, p2006
290.WOR.21261/AB Pessoa
Wordsong • Pedro de Orey; Alexandre Cortez; Nuno Grácio; Filipe Valentim; Samuel Palitos; Rui Alves; Rita Sá
Lisboa : 101 Noites : Transformadores, p2006
Results 1 of about 6 (total de 6) - CD/Multimedia (6) and Books (0)

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