O Catálogo é constituído por duas Bases de Dados: CD/Multimédia (mais de 25500 CD-áudio, DVD, VCD, CD-ROM, etc.) e Livros (mais de 5500 Livros, Revistas e Artigos de Imprensa).

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  Cota Título Autores ¤ Outros Responsáveis Publicação
300.ASH.01709/AB+ Improvement : an opera for television
Robert Ashley • Jacqueline Humbert; Thomas Buckner; Joan La Barbara; Sam Ashley; Adam Klein; Amy X Neuburg
New York : Elektra, 1992
300.DES.03956 L'Homme armé Masses : the Tallis scholars
Josquin Desprez • Peter Phillips; Deborah Roberts; Sally Dunkley; Ashley Stafford; Robert Harre-Jones; Nicolas Robertson; Mike Daniels; Michael Steele; Donald Greig; Adrian Hill; Mark Padmore; Julian Walker
England : Gimell, 1989
100.HAR.05876 Harmonica blues : great harmonica performances of the 1920s and '30s
•Jazz Gillum; Big Bill Broonzy; Carl Martin; Robert Lee McCoy; Bill Gaither; Clarence Ashley; Gwen Foster; Robert Hill; Eugene Powell; Willie Harris; Chuck Darling; Hervey Hoskins; Jaybird Coleman; Robert Cooksey
[S.L.] : Yazoo, 1991
300.BRI.10275/AB+ Billy Budd
Benjamin Britten • E.M. Forster; Eric Crozier; Adrian Jessett; Keith Orrell; Kent Nagano; Thomas Hampson; Anthony Rolfe Johnson; Eric Halfvarson; Russell Smythe; Gidon Saks; Simon Wilding; Martyn Hill; Richard Van Allan; Christopher Maltman; Andrew Burden; William Dazeley; Christopher Gillet; Matthew Hargreaves; Ashley Holland; Simon Thorpe; Robert Johnston; Manchester Boys Choir; Gentlemen of the Hallé Choir; Northern Voices; The Hallé Orchestra
France : Erato Disques, 1998
061.ANT.11326/AF Anthology of american folk music
•Dick Justice; Clarence Ashley; Coley Jones; Belle Reed; Bill Reed; Buell Kazee; Chubby Parker; Uncle Eck Dunford; Richard Burnett; Leonard Rutheford; Buster Carter; Preston Young; G. B. Grayson; Kelly Harrel; Edward L. Crain; Frank Hutchison; Charlie Poole; Mississippi John Hurt; Versey Smith; William Smith; Furry Lewis; The Masked Marvel; Uncle Bunt Stephens; Jilson Setters; Prince Albert Hunt; Delma Lachney; Blind Uncle Gaspard; Andrew Baxter; Jim Baxter; Eck Robertson; Henry Thomas; Jim Jackson; Columbus Fruge; Joseph Falcon; Frank Cloutier; J. M. Gates; Mary Nelson; McIntorsh; Edwards; Moses Mason; Bascom Lamar Lunsford; Blind Willie Johnson; Ernest Phipps; F. W. McGee; D. C. Rice; Didier Hébert; Richard 'Rabbit' Brown; Dock Boggs; Ernest Stoneman; Hattie Stoneman; Cleoma Breaux; Blind Lemon Jefferson; Sleepy John Estes; Yank Rachell; Ramblin' Thomas; Julius Daniels; Ophy Breaux; Uncle Dave Macon; J. P. Nestor; Ken Maynard; Harry Smith; Nelstone's Hawaiians; The Carolina Tar Heels; The Carter Family; The Williamson Brothers and Curry; North Carolina Ramblers; The Bentley Boys; Prince Albert Hunt's Texas Ramblers; Eck Robertson and Family; Ming Hoyt and his Pep-Steppers; The Breaux Fréres; The Cincinnati Jug Band; Victoria Cafe Orchestra; Alabama Sacred Harp Singers; Middle Georgia Singing Convention Number 1; Memphis Sanctified Singers; Ernest Phipps & Holiness Singers; Cannon's Jug Stompers; The Stoneman Family; The Memphis Jug Band
New York : Smithsonian Folkways, p1997
061.CLO.14335/X Close to home : old time music from Mike Seeger's Collection 1952-1967
•Mike Seeger; Elizabeth Cotten; Will Adam; J. Sutphin; V. Sutphin; J. Neece; Louise Foreacre; Kilby Snow; Hattie Stonema; Elizabeth White; Lesley Riddle; Tom Ashley; Pearly Davis; A.L. and Group; Wade Ward; Edsel Martin; Bill McElreath; Bill Davis; Snuffy Jenkins; Ira Dimmery; Arthur Smith; Sam McGee; Kirk McGee; Clyde Lewis; Lost John Ray; Walt Koken; Eck Robertson; Sherman Lawson; Emmett Cole; George Landers; Dock Boggs; Archie Sturgill; Kate Sturgill; Clarence Ferril; The Blue Ridge Buddies; Stancer Quartet
USA : Smithsonian Folkways, 1997
300.HUE.24174 Sacred music
Huelgas Ensemble • Ashley Stafford; Simon Hill; John Dudley; Harry van der Kamp; Erik van Nevel; Michel Holveck; Marcel Onsia; Claude Wassmer; Paul van Nevel; Flor Verschueren; Philippe de Monte; Orlande de Lassus; August Nörmiger; Robert White; Wolf Erichson
[New York] : Sony Music Entertainment, cop. 1998
805.30.BAR Música minimal repetitiva
Jorge Lima Barreto • John Cage; Terry Riley; T. Conrad; Robert Ashley; Steve Reich; John Surman; Philip Glass; Robert Fripp; Jon Hassel; Brian Eno; F. Rabe; A. Perrson; Telectu
Portugal : Litoral Edições, 1990
Ocorrências de 1 a 8 (total de 8) - CD/Multimédia (7) e Livros (1)

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