O Catálogo é constituído por duas Bases de Dados: CD/Multimédia (mais de 25500 CD-áudio, DVD, VCD, CD-ROM, etc.) e Livros (mais de 5500 Livros, Revistas e Artigos de Imprensa).

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Para ver detalhe de registo, clique em: CD-Áudio (CD-Áudio), Livro ou Partitura (Livro ou Partitura), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Peri�dicos (Periódicos) ou Artigo de Imprensa (Artigo de Imprensa)
  Cota Título Autores ¤ Outros Responsáveis Publicação
200.GIA.01825/X The giants of France : original artists : original hits
•Edith Piaf; Richard Anthony; Gilbert Bécaud; Jacques Brel
Lisboa : Movieplay, 1989
300.GAY.01931/AB+ The beggar's opera
John Gay • Kiri Te Kanawa; Joan Sutherland; Graham Clarke; Stafford Dean; John Gibbs; Michael Hordern; Angela Lansbury; Alfred Marks; Warren Mitchell; James Morris; Ann Murray; Regina Resnik; Anthony Rolfe Johnson; Anne Wilkens; Terry Edwards; Richard Bonynge; National Philharmonic Orchestra; London Opera Chorus
London : Decca, 1981
300.MON.02730 Madrigali erotici = Madrigais eróticos
Claudio Monteverdi • Anthony Rooley; Emma Kirkby; Judith Nelson; Poppy Holden; Paul Elliot; Andrew King; Richard Wistreich; David Thomas; The Consort of Musicke
France : L'Oiseau Lyre, 1989
300.HAN.03388/AC+ Belshazzar
George Frideric Handel • Charles Jennens; Simon Standage; Trevor Pinnock; Jane Coe; Iain Ledingham; Bernard Robertson; Anthony Rolfe Johnson; Arleen Auger; Catherine Robbin; James Browman; David Wilson-Johnson; Nicolas Robertson; Richard Wistreich; Nigel Short; Julia Gooding; Caroline Asthon; Rachel Bevan; Sally Dunkley; Kate Eckersley; Alison Gough; Twig Hall; Lucinda Houghton; Rachel Platt; Belinda Yates; Jacqueline Connell; Joyce Jarvis; Melanie Marshall; Penelope Vickers; Graeme Curry; Robert Jones; Wilfrid Swansborough; Harvey Brough; Vernon Kirk; Neil Lunt; Neil MacKenzie; John Leigh Nixon; Tom Phillips; Angus Smith; Stephen Alder; Jeremy Birchall; Simon Birchall; Julian Clarkson; Simon Davies; Christopher Foster; John Milne; Simon Standage; Miles Golding; Graham Cracknell; Pauline Nobes; Alison Cracknell; Catherine Weiss; Susan Carpenter-Jacobs; Frances Turner; Walter Reiter; Maurice Whitaker; James Ellis; Roy Mowatt; Peter Hanson; Risa Browder; Simon Jones; Fiona Huggett; Rupert Bawden; Susan Bicknell; Lisa Cochrane; Jane Coe; Timothy Kraemer; Helen Verney; Christopher Poffley; Amanda MacNamara; Peter McCarthy; Peter Buckole; Timothy Lyons; Paul Goodwin; Lorraine Wood; Sophia McKenna; Catherine Latham; Alberto Grazzi; Philip Turbett; Mark Bennett; Michael Harrison; Robert Howes; The English Concert Choir
Alemanha : Archiv Produktion, 1991
300.MON.04579 Il ottavo libro de madrigali - Balli : 1638 = The eighth book of madrigals = Das achte madrigalbuch = Le huitième livre de madrigaux
Claudio Monteverdi • Anthony Rooley; Simon Foster; Emma Kirkby; Evelyn Tubb; Suzie LeBlanc; Sarah Pendlebury; Mary Nichols; Penny Vickers; Paul Agnew; Andrew King; Richard Edgar-Wilson; Alan Ewing; Allan Parkes; The Consort of Musicke
London : Virgin Classics, 1990
300.TUR.05397 Greek
Mark-Anthony Turnage • Richard Bernas; Steven Berkoff; Quentin Hayes; Richard Suart; Fiona Kimm; Helen Charnock; Helen Crayford; Paul Clarvis; Peter Jonas; Dennis Marks; Sally Groves; Jane Ward; Jenni Whiteside; Timothy Bull; Adam Chignell; Peter Maniura; Martin Robertson; Ian Watson; The Greek Ensemble
Londres : argo, 1994
300.LAS.05448+ Le lagrime di San Pietro / Roland de Lassus
Orlande de Lassus • Biagio Marini; Anthony Rooley; Emma Kirkby; Evelyn Tubb; Mary Nichols; Cathy Cass; Joseph Cornwell; Andrew King; Richard Wistreich; Nigel Rogers; Trevor Jones; John Bryan; Mark Caudle; Alison Crum; Sarah Cunningham; Piet Stryckers; Peter Trent; Jakob Lindberg; The Consort of Musicke
London : Editions L'Oiseau Lyre, 1994
300.GES.06181 Quinto libro dei madrigali a cinque voci = Fifth book of madrigals for five voices = Cinquième livre de madrigaux à cinq voix = Fünftes buch fünfstimmiger madrigale
Carlo Gesualdo • Anthony Rooley; Emma Kirkby; Evelyn Tubb; Mary Nichols; Joseph Cornwell; Andrew Knight; Richard Wistreich; The Consort of Musicke
Londres : Editions L'Oiseau Lyre, 1991
300.MOR.06192 Ayres & madrigals
Thomas Morley • Anthony Rooley; Emma Kirkby; Evelyn Tubb; Mary Nichols; Joseph Cornwell; Andrew King; Richard Wistreich; Poppy Holden; Jacqueline Fox; Cathy Cass; Philip Salmon; John Milne; Francis Steele; The Consort of Musicke
Londres : Editions L'Oiseau Lyre, 1993
400.TEI.06935/R Concerto grosso
Richard Teitelbaum • Anthony Braxton; George Lewis
Therwil, Switzerland : Hat Hut Records, 1988
Ocorrências de 1 a 10 (total 33) - CD/Multimédia (33) e Livros (0)

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