This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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  Call Number Title Name Publication
500.SCH.19870/X Schweizer Landeshymne = Hymne national suisse = Inno nazionale svizzero = Imni naziunal svizzer = The swiss national anthem
•Pierre Colombo; Alvin Muoth; Diego Fasolis; Pierre-Georges Roubaty; Fritz Näf; André Scheurer; Ignaz Cathomen; Camillo Valsangiacomo; Charles Chatelanat; Leonhard Widmer; Marie-Louise Lauper; Patrick Linder; Christian Strickler; Alberik Zwyssig; Orchestre de la Suisse Romande; Chor da concert Grischun; Coro della Radio Svizzera (Lugano); Ensemble Vocal de Villars-sur-Glâne; Basler Madrigalisten; Feldmusik Strättligen (Thun)
Berne : Swiss Radio International, p1998
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