This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
200.OSB.02276/AB The ozzman cometh
Ozzy Osbourne • Randy Rhoads
Great Britain : Sony, 1997
500.GRE.02955/X Great T.V. themes programme 3
•Dolly Parton; Post; J. Pearson; May; Osbourne; T. Haten; Tom Scott; J. Trombey; Carpenter; Steinman; Dean Pitchford; Harnell; Markopoulos; Goldenberg; Mooney; Shine
EUA : Tring Internacional PLC, [s.d.]
500.HOW.07542 Howard Stern : Private parts : the album
•Rob Zombie; Howard Stern; Flea; Dave Navarro; Chad Smith; Ozzy Osbourne; Ted Nugent; Porno For Pyros; Marilyn Manson; Type O Negative; Ramones; Green Day; Deep Purple; Cheap Trick; Van Halen; AC/DC; The Dust Brothers
EUA : Warner, 1997
200.NAT.10375 Nativity in black : a tribute to Black Sabbath
•Ozzy Osbourne; Bruce Dickinson; Biohazard; White Zombie; Megadeth; 1,000 Homo Dj's; Therapy?; Corrosion Of Conformity; Sepultura; Bullring Brummies; Godspeed; Ugly Kid Joe; Faith No More; Type O Negative; Cathedral
[New York] : Columbia, 1994
200.OSB.10603 No more tears
Ozzy Osbourne • Zakk Wylde; Randy Castillo; Bob Daisley; John Sinclair; Mike Inez
Austria : Sony, 1991
200.OSB.10604/AB Live & loud
Ozzy Osbourne • Zakk Wilde; Randy Castillo; Mike Inez
GB : Sony, 1993
200.OSB.10607 Ozzmosis
Ozzy Osbourne•
Great Britain : Sony, 1995
200.OSB.10608 The ultimate sin
Ozzy Osbourne•
Great Britain : Sony, 1986
200.OSB.10609 Randy Rhoads tribute
Ozzy Osbourne•
Great Britain : Sony, 1987
200.OSB.10610 No rest for the wicked
Ozzy Osbourne • Thomas baker; Keith Olsen
[London?] : Sony Music, p1988
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