O Catálogo é constituído por duas Bases de Dados: CD/Multimédia (mais de 25500 CD-áudio, DVD, VCD, CD-ROM, etc.) e Livros (mais de 5500 Livros, Revistas e Artigos de Imprensa).

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  Cota Título Autores ¤ Outros Responsáveis Publicação
100.MRA.00226 The british traditional jazz collection : vol. 1
Acker Bilk; Al Fairweather; Sandy Brown; Mike Daniels; Chris Barber; Monty Sunshine; Ken Colyer; Humphrey Lyttelton; Alan Elsdon; Alex Welsh; Terry Lightfoot; Al Fairweather & Sandy Brown's All Stars; Mike Daniels' Delta Jazz Band; Ken Colyer's Jazzmen; Sims-Wheeler Vintage Jazz Band; Humphrey Lyttelton and his Band; Alan Elsdon Jazz Band; Alex Welsh Band; Terry Lightfoot's New Orleans Jazzmen; Chris Barber's Jazz Band; Acker Bilk Paramount Jazz Band
Grã-Bretanha : Philips, 1989
100.BRI.00227/X The british traditional jazz collection : vol. 2
Archie Semple; Alex Welsh; Monty Sunshine Quartet; Micky Ashman's Ragtime Band; Alex Welsh Band; Acker Bilk Paramount Jazz Band; Mike Cotton Jazzmen; Alex Welsh Big Four; Chris Barber's Jazz Band; Terry Lightfoot's New Orleans Jazzmen; Ken Colyer's Jazzmen; Sims-Wheeler Vintage Jazz Band
Grã-Bretanha : Philips, 1989
100.KEN.15874/ Best of british Jazz from the BBC Jazz Club
Ken Colyer's Jazzmen ¤ Ken Colyer; Monty Sunshine; Chris Barber; Lonnie Donegan; Jim Bray; Ron Bowden; Ken Sims; Acker Bilk; John Mortimer; Roy James; Ernie Price; Ron Mackay; Bob Wallis; Al Gay; Keith "Avo" Avison; Hugh Rainey; Pete Gresham; "Drag" Kirby; Allan Poston; Mr Acker Bilk's Paramount Jazz Band; Bob Wallis Storyville Jazz Men
[Surrey?] : Upbeat, 1995
100.BES.15974/X The best of british jazz from the BBC jazz club
Monty Sunshine; Rod Mason; Geoff Sowden; Johnny Parker; Dickie Bishop; Gerry Salisbury; Nick Nicholls; Graham Stewart; Alan Elsdon; Ian McKerrow; Alan Roote; Johnny Johnson; Jim Forey; Peter Mawford; Bruce Turner; Terry Brown; Bobby Mickelburgh; Al Mead; Jim Bray; Rex Bennett; Micky Ashman; Keith Smith; Brian Cotton; Gerry Turnham; Don Cook; Billy Lock; Chris Barber; Ottilie Patterson; Pat Halcox; Ken Colyer; Ian Wheeler; Archie Semple; Eddie Smith; Dick Smith; Graham Burbidge; Monty Sunshine Jazz Band; Graham Stewart Seven; Bruce Turner Jump Band; Micky Ashman's Jazz Band; Chris Barber Jazzband
[Surrey] : Upbeat, 1997
100.BES.15975/X Best of British Jazz from the BBC Jazz Club
Monty Sunshine; Rod Mason; Geoff Sowden; Johnny Parker; Dickie Bishop; Gerry Salisbury; Nick Nicholls; Graham Stewart; Alan Elsdon; Ian McKerrow; Alan Roote; Johnny Johnson; Jim Forey; Peter Mawford; Bruce Turner; Terry Brown; Bobby Mickelburgh; Al Mead; Jim Bray; Rex Bennett; Micky AShman; Keith Smith; Brain Cotton; Gerry Turnham; Don Cook; Billy Lock; Chris Barber; Ottilie Patterson; Pat Halcox; Ken Colyer; Ian Wheeler; Archie Semple; Eddie Smith; Dick Smith; Graham Burbidge; Monty Sunshine Jazz Band; Graham Stewart Seven; Bruce Turner Jump Band; Micky Ashman's Jazz Band; Chris Barber Jazzband
[Surrey] : Upbeat, 1997
100.COL.16764 Once more for Auntie
Ken Colyer ¤ Len Baldwin; John Wurr; John Morrison; Mickey Ashman; Colin Bowden; Gerry Turham; Ray Smith; Bill Stotesbury; Arthur Bird; Paul Rosenberg; Sonny Morris; Monty Sunshine; John Davies; Pat Hawes; Ken Colyer's Allstar Jazzband; Crane River Jazzband
Wallington : Upbeat, 1998
Ocorrências de 1 a 6 (total de 6) - CD/Multimédia (6) e Livros (0)

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