O Catálogo é constituído por duas Bases de Dados: CD/Multimédia (mais de 25500 CD-áudio, DVD, VCD, CD-ROM, etc.) e Livros (mais de 5500 Livros, Revistas e Artigos de Imprensa).

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Para ver detalhe de registo, clique em: CD-Áudio (CD-Áudio), Livro ou Partitura (Livro ou Partitura), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Peri�dicos (Periódicos) ou Artigo de Imprensa (Artigo de Imprensa)
  Cota Título Autores ¤ Outros Responsáveis Publicação
200.KIL.00871 Laugh? I nearly bought one!
Killing Joke•
New York : Caroline, 1992
200.KIL.01831 What's this for...!
Killing Joke•
USA : EG, 1981
200.KIL.04070 Pandemonium
Killing Joke•
Inglaterra : Butterfly, 1994
200.KIL.05057 Outside the gate
Killing Joke•
[S.L.] : EG, 1988
500.SHO.06649/X Show Girls
•David Bowie; David Stewart; Andrew Carver; Prich; Siouxsie and the Banshees; My life with the Thrill Kill Kult; Possum Dixon; No Doubt; Xavier; Killing Joke; Freaks of Desire; Scylla
New York : Interscope Records, 1991
290.REM.08899/AB/X Remember : Alcântara-Mar
•Robert Palmer; Kim Carnes; Marvin Gaye; Meat Loaf; Outfield; The Cars; Mike & The Mechanics; ZZ Top; Foreigner; Men at Work; Aldo Nova; J Geils Band; The Hooters; Fleetwood Mac; Simple Minds; The Tubes; Split Enz; Killing Joke; New Muzik
Lisboa : Megadiscos, 1997
200.PUL.11366/AB/X Pulse 7 : the 7th stage
•Tim Schuldt; Johann; Alex; Manmademan; Kopfuss Resonator; Ramin; Earth; Les Enfants De La Route Violette; Montauk P.; Genetic; Killing Joke; Prana; Lumen; Bumbling Loons; Slinky Nuns; Organic Noise; Miranda; Bamboo Forest; Solaris
Hannover : SPV, 1998
200.ZWI.12523/AB/X Zwischenfall : from the 80's to the 90's : vol. 2
•Michael Garrison; Gary Numan; A Split Of Second; Belfegore; Alien Sex Fiend; Creaming Jesus; Killing Joke; Sleeping Dogs Wake; Twilight Ritual; Q Lazzarus; Psyche; Days of Sorrow; Marcie's Still Waiting; The Sound; Nocturnal Emissions; Moonspell; Mental Measuretech; Terminal Choice; Babyland; Shockwork; Apoptygma Berzerk; Pitch Yarn Of Matter; Escape With Romeo; Monumentum; Morbus Kitahara; The Gathering; Secret Discovery; Inside; Still Silent; Second Voice
Dortmund : Subtronic, 1996
200.MOO.12860/AB/X Moonraker - Vol. 3
•LFO; Steril; Underworld; Covenant; Evils Toy; Signal Aout 42; Trauma; Cyan; Chemlab; Oomph!; Esplendor Geometrico; Lacrimosa; Inkubus Sukkubus; The Nefilim; Killing Joke; Atari Teenage Riot; Sabotage q.c.q.c.?; Haujobb; Cyber-Tec Project; Empirion; X Marks The Pedwalk; Noise Unit; Click Click; Velvet Acid Christ; Suicide Commando; In Strict Confidence; Cobalt 60; Think About Mutation; Front Line Assembly; Psyche
Hannover : Sub Terranean, 1997
200.KIL.12883 Night time
Killing Joke•
Great Britain : Virgin, 1985
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