O Catálogo é constituído por duas Bases de Dados: CD/Multimédia (mais de 25500 CD-áudio, DVD, VCD, CD-ROM, etc.) e Livros (mais de 5500 Livros, Revistas e Artigos de Imprensa).

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Para ver detalhe de registo, clique em: CD-Áudio (CD-Áudio), Livro ou Partitura (Livro ou Partitura), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Peri�dicos (Periódicos) ou Artigo de Imprensa (Artigo de Imprensa)
  Cota Título Autores ¤ Outros Responsáveis Publicação
300.SUL.05586/AB The sorcerer (without dialogue) : the zoo
Arthur Sullivan • Gilbert; Rowe; Isidore Godfrey; Royston Nash; Donald Adams; David Palmer; Alan Styler; Stanley Riley; John Reed; Christene Palmer; Valerie Masterson; Jean Allister; Ann Hood; Meston Reid; Kenneth Sandford; John Ayldon; Julia Goss; Jane Matcalfe; Geoffrey Shovelton; The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company; The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Alemanha : London Records, 1993
300.SUL.05588/AB The pirates of penzance
Arthur Sullivan • Isidore Godfrey; James Walker; Philip Potter; Susan Maisey; Pauline Wales; John Reed; Donald Adams; George Cook; Jean Allister; Christene Palmer; Owen Brannigan; Valerie Masterson; The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company; The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Alemanha : London Records, 1989
300.SUL.05589/AB Ruddigore (Without dialogue); Cox and Box (With dialogue)
Arthur Sullivan • Kenneth Standford; Philip Potter; David Palmer; Geoffrey Skitch; John Reed; Donald Adams; George Cook; Elizabeth Harwood; Christene Palmer; Ann Hood; Valerie Masterson; Thomas Round; Stanley Riley; Jean Hindmarsh; Gillian Knight; Mary Sansom; Jean Allister; Alan Styler; Joseph Riordan; Isidore Godfrey; The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company; The Orchestra of The Royal Opera House Covent Garden; The New Symphony Orchestra of London
Alemanha : London Records, 1993
300.SUL.05590/AB Iolanthe
Arthur Sullivan • Isidore Godfrey; James Walker; Philip Potter; Susan Maisey; Pauline Wales; John Reed; Donald Adams; George Cook; Jean Allister; Christene Palmer; Owen Brannigan; Valerie Masterson; Yvonne Newman; Thomas Round; Alan Styler; Gillian Knight; Jennifer Toye; Dawn Bradshaw; Mary Sansom; The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company; The New Symphony Orchestra of London
Alemanha : London Records, 1989
200.EVE.23693/X Everybody dance now : vol. 3
•Carlos Silva; Nelson Freitas; Hardwell; Tom Boxer; Anca Parghel; Dee James; Kicken; Yasca; Nado; Alex Barattini; Daniel Beasley; Andy Callister; J.E.L.; Chris Feeling; Connie Wright; Jean Moiree; Pheel; Deej; Wolffman; Fly Project; Heart Of Space; House Daddiez; Akcent; Deep Zone; D-Lete Funk-K; Beasy and Leon; Spoiled Bratz; Tanto Project; Chemical Solution; Voila; Yarabi; Summerlove
Lisboa : Ovação, p2009
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