This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
200.MEA.05225/X A means to an end : the music of Joy Division
•Moby; Kendra Smith; Girls Against Boys; Honeymoon Stitch; Low; Codeine; Further; Stanton-Miranda; Starchildren; Versus; Desert Storm; GodheadSilo; Face to Face; Tortoise; Joy Division
[United States of America] : Virgin Records America, p1995
200.UKS.06495/AB/X UK Space Techno vol. I
•X-Cars; Spacer IV; Isomise; Disco Volante; Bulb; Mad Dog Reflex; La Synthesis; Monosphere; Head Doctor; Tufaan; Red Cloud; R-Plane; Desert Storm; Skintrade; Aftrax; Optica; Darren Price; Integrated Circuits; Jon the Dentist; Phreaux; Polyploid; Star Power
England : Millennium, 1996
290.XMA.07528 X-club
X-Man • Nuno Roque; Loophole; Spacer IV; Karnak; DJ Will Power; DJ Sneak; Armand Van Helden; G. Martin; The Sound Vandals; Sun Children; Slam; Desert Storm; The Love Tribe; Kult of Kraméria; Rollin' Gear
Lisboa : MCA, p1996
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