This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
290.TWE.17263 The sand crystal.ep
TwentyInchBurial • Ricardo David; Luís Tavares; Alexandre Mendes; Ricardo Correia
Lisboa : Ragingplanet, 2001
200.ROC.17407/X Rock sound : vol. 2
•Pearl Jam; The Music; The Vines; Transplants; Interpol; Pain; 30 Seconds to Mars; Snapcase; TwentyInchBurial; Painstruck; Isis; The Legendary Tiger Man; Add N to (X); Slamo; The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion; Hoobastank; The No-Counts Doctrine of Mayhem
[Lisboa] : Rock Sound, 2002
290.SAM.19339/X Sampler 2004 : Ragingplanet
•The Temple; TwentyInchBurial; More Than a Thousand; Fever; Easyway; For The Glory; D'Evil Leech Project; CineMuerte
Lisboa : Ragingplanet, p2004
290.TWE.21649 How much will we laugh and smile?
TwentyInchBurial • Rui Miguel Brás; Ricardo da Rocha Correia; João Pedro Fulgêncio; Luís Zenha Tavares; Alexandre Carvalho Mendes; Santi Garcia; Sara Seixas; Inês Fernandes; Rita Reis
Lisboa : Ragingplanet, p2004
290.TWE.21707 Radiovenom
TwentyInchBurial • Rui Miguel Brás; Ricardo da Rocha Correia; João Pedro Fulgêncio; Alexandre Carvalho Mendes; Nuno Miguel Silva; Ana Luz; Bruno Fernandes; carla Banza; Tue Madsen; Palle Schultz; Jacob Bredahl; Sofie Christensen
Lisboa : RagingPlanet, p2006
200.DAN.22626/X DanceClub Fevereiro #129
•Dubfire; Slapstick; Frederic de Carvalho; Alexander Robotonik; Luke Solomon; Burial; Airwave; System 7; Zoo Brazil
[Lisboa] : Dance Club, 2008
290.ESE.22655/X E se depois... : tributo a Mão Morta
•Daniel Makosch; Nuno Fazenda; Ricardo Magalhães; Adolfo Luxúria Canibal; Zé dos Eclipses; Heiner Müller; Miguel Pedro; Carlos Fortes; António Rafael; Vasco Vaz; Dead Combo; Wraygunn; Cinemuerte; Dr. Frankenstein; The Temple; Bunnyranch; Balla; Volstad; Houdini Blues; Fever; D'Evil Leech Project; The Ultimate Architects; Acromaníacos; Demon Dagger; Mécanosphère; TwentyInchBurial; Mão Morta
[Lisboa] : RagingPlanet, p2007
290.TOC.23080/X Tocabrir 2001 : Semana da Juventude 2001
•Pedro Barradas; Siddhartha; Ubber Manikins; Chrono Kids; The Nutty Pea; Klepht; TwentyInchBurial; M.A.D.; Milkshop; Avalanche; Craft; Ugly Ducky; Marbles; Skinbliss; Brainwashed by Amália; Guardiões do Subsolo; Blackfeather; Dogma
Lisboa : Câmara Municipal. Pelouro da Juventude, 2001
290.ENT.24677/X Entulho sonoro 1
•Kenji Siratori; Euthymia; Íon; David Jerónimo; Mão Morta; Fever; Ho-Chi-Minh; Jazz Iguanas; Born a Lion; Spincity; Mon; Phazer; The Ladder; Namek; TwentyInchBurial; July 13; Albert Fish; Target 35; Equaleft; Cinemuerte; Men Eater; Process of Guilt; Budhi
[Lisboa : Underworld], 2007
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