O Catálogo é constituído por duas Bases de Dados: CD/Multimédia (mais de 25500 CD-áudio, DVD, VCD, CD-ROM, etc.) e Livros (mais de 5500 Livros, Revistas e Artigos de Imprensa). |
Introduza os termos a pesquisar |
Para ver detalhe de registo, clique em: (CD-Áudio), (Livro ou Partitura), (CD-ROM), (DVD), (Periódicos) ou (Artigo de Imprensa) |
Cota | Título | Autores ¤ Outros Responsáveis | Publicação | |
400.DOU.07785 | Cantilena | Bill Douglas ¤ Bil Jackson; David Lockington; Anne Stackpole; Jane Grimes; Geoff Johns; Chris Lee; John Galm |
San Francisco : Hearts of Space, 1990 | |
400.DOV.07786 | Kaleidoscope | Bill Douglas ¤ Bil Jackson; David Lockington; Anne Stackpole; Alexa Zirbel; Dean Peer; Geoff Johns; Tai Burhoe; Larry Thompson; Therese Schroeder Sheker |
San Francisco : Hearts of Space, 1993 | |
300.DOU.14484 | Deep peace | Bill Douglas ¤ Bil Jackson; Stephanie Arado; Peter Cooper; Anne Stackpole-Guellar; Brett Wallace; Thomas Morgan; Ars Nova Singers |
San Francisco : Hearts of Space, 1996 | |
400.DOU.14485 | Circle of moons | Bill Douglas ¤ Bil Jackson; Thomas Morgan; Maralyn Prestia; Anne Stackpole-Guellar; Brett Wallace; Ty Burhoe; Timothy Quigley; Chris Zorn; Ars Nova Singers |
San Francisco : Hearts of Space, 1995 | |
400.DOU.14486 | Earth prayer | Bill Douglas ¤ Bil Jackson; Anne Stackpole-Cuellar; Judith Glyde; Samantha George; Pat Tillery; Kristin Jurkscheidt; Ty Burhoe; Timothy Quigley; Ars Nova Singers |
San Francisco : Hearts of Space, 1999 | |
300.DOU.25775 | A place called morning | Bill Douglas ¤ Bill Jackson; Judith Glyde; Anne Stackpole-Cuellar; Peter Cooper; Yumi Hwang; Ty Burhol; Timothy Quigley; Thomas Morgan; The Ars Nova Singers |
San Francisco : Hearts of Space, p2001 | |
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