This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
200.LAN.08357 Drag
K. D. Lang • Kevin Brelt; Teddy Borowiecki; Abraham Laboriel Jr.; David Piltch; David Tom; Jimmie Haskell; Greg Leisz; Wendy Melvoin; Marva King; Kimberly Brewer; Portia Griffin; Lisa Coleman; Kim Zick; Joe Lovano
EUA : Warner music, 1997
200.SHA.17419/AB Laundry service : washed and dried
Shakira • Lester Mendez; Jorge Calandrelli; Bryan Ray; Tim Pierce; Paul Bushnell; Paul Aslen; Abraham Laboriel Jr.; Hector Del Curto; David Alsine; Richard Bravo; Archie Peña; Rita Quintero; Camilo Valencia; Tony Concepcion; Jim Hacker; Ed Calle; Dana Teboe; Tim Mitchell; Brendan Buckley; Gustavo Patiño; Joel Deroin; Suzie Katayama; Becky Bunnell; Eve Butler; Mario De Leon; Peter Kent; Arman Garabedian; John Wittenberg; Ken Yerke; Dan Smith; George Noriega; Julio Hernández
[Holland] : Sony, 2002
200.PAL.21836 Fires
Nerina Pallot • Lyle Workman; Tim Van Der Kuil; Matt Chamberlain; Damon Wilson; Jim Keltner; Abraham Laboriel Jr.; Wendy Melvoin; Jon Brion; Doyle Bramhall; Susannah Melvoin; Sebastian Steinberg; Paul Bushnell; Patrick Warren; Roger Manning Jr.; Stewart Mathis; Michael Ward; David Walsh; Kevin Churko; Chris Constantinou; Lenny Castro; Elton John; Howard Willing
UK : Idaho Records : 14th Floor Records, p2006
Results 1 of about 3 (total de 3) - CD/Multimedia (3) and Books (0)

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