This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
500.MID.10041 Midnight in the garden of good and evil
K. D. Lang; Joe Williams; Paula Cole; Rosemary Clooney; Brad Mehldau; Cassandra Wilson; Kevin Spacey; Alison Eastwood; Clint Eastwood; Alison Krauss; Kevin Mahogany; Diana Krall; Joshua Redman; Tony Bennett
New York : Warner, 1998
300.VAU.10063 Sinfonia antartica; A pastoral symphony
Ralph Vaughan Williams ¤ Patricia Rozario; Andrew Davis; Janet Lincé; Gareth Bimson; Percy Bysshe Shelley; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; John Donne; Robert Falcon Scott; BBC Symphony Chorus; BBC Symphony Orchestra
Hamburg : Teldec, p1997
100.WAL.10072 Soul Eyes
Mal Waldron ¤ Steve Coleman; Joe Henderson; Jeanne Lee; Abbey Lincoln; Andrew Cyrille; Reggie Workman
Belgium : BMG, 1997
049.COS.10089 O melhor de Gal Costa
Gal Costa ¤ Djavan; Ed Wilson; Ronaldo Bastos; Cazuza; Frejat; Milton Nascimento; Fernando Brant; Haroldo Barbosa; Cole Porter; Arnaldo Antunes; Benjor; Vadico; Noel Rosa; Caetano Veloso; Chico Buarque; Stevie Wonder
São Paulo : BMG, 1997
100.COL.10122/AB/X Genesis & the opening of the way
Steve Coleman ¤ Greg Osby; Ravi Coltrane; Aaron Stewart; Yosvani Cabrera; Greg Tardy; Ralph Alessi; Shane Endsley; Nabate Isles; George Lewis; Tim Albright; Josh Roseman; André Atkins; Jamal Haynes; David Gilmore; Andy Milne; Vijay Iyer; Kenny Davis; Reggie Washington; Sean Rickman; Gene Lake; Andy Milne; David Dyson; Sean Rickman; Miguel Zayas; Rosangela Silvestre; Steve Coleman and The Council of Balance; Steve Coleman and Five Elements
France : BMG France : RCA Victor, 1997
500.CIT.10147 City of angels
Alanis Morissette; Jimi Hendrix; Paula Cole; John Lee Hooker; Sarah McLachlan; Peter Gabriel; Jude; Eric Clapton; Gabriel Yared; U2; Goo Goo Dolls
New York : Warner, 1998
300.RAV.10179 L' enfant et les sortilèges
Maurice Ravel ¤ Armin Jordan; Arlette Chedel; Colette Alliot-Lugaz; Elizabeth Vidal; Audrey Michael; Michel Sénéchal; Michel Brodard; Philippe Huttenlocher; Denise Probst; Andrée-Lise Hoffmann; Réginald Boyce; Jean-Pascal Laedermann; Choeur de la Radio Suisse Romande; Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
França : Erato Disques, 1987
300.NOE.10191/X Noel : Christmas with the stars
Franz Gruber; Georg Christian Schemelli; Michael Praetorius; Hector Berlioz; Gustav Holst; Felix Mendelssohn; Sayde Shepard; Lalo Schifrin; Irving Berlin; J. F. Wade; Enya; Nicky Ryan; Johann Sebastian Bach; Edward Higginbottom; Robin Stapleton; Kiri Te Kanawa; Jouko Harjanne; John Eliot Gardiner; David Cullen; Philips Brooks; Christopher Kale; William Hite; Joel Frederiksen; Joel Cohen; Henry John Gauntlett; Corey McKnight; Michael George; Thomas Pasalieri; Hugo Wolf; Ray Charles; José Carreras; Natalie Cole; Domingo (Pai), Plácido; Vjekoslav Sutej; Lowell Mason; Frederick Jodry; David Willcocks; Oxford Choir of New College; BBC Philharmonic; Orchestre de L'Opéra de Lyon; Choir of Conventry Cathedral; Choir of Lichfield Cathedral; The Schola Cantorum of Boston; The Brown University chorus; The Boston camerata; The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra; Wiener Symphoniker; Wiener Opernkinderchor; Monteverdi Choir; Chanticleer
França : Erato Disques, 1997
100.RED.10225 The great Otis Redding
Otis Redding ¤ Booker Jones; Steve Cropper; Johnny Jenkins; Donald Dunn; Al Jackson Jr; Wayne Jackson; Sammy Coleman; Charles Axton; Floyd Newman
USA : Atlantic, 1967
300.CHA.10338 Chant corse : manuscrits franciscains (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles)
Marcel Pérès; Nicole Casalonga; Jackie Micaëli; Aline Filippi; Gilberte Casabianca; Joëlle Tomasini; Jean-Pierre Lanfranchi; Jean-Etienne Langianni; Claude Bellagamba; Jérôme Casalonga; Antoine Sicot; Ensemble Organum
Arles : Harmonia Mundi, 1994
Results 81 of about 90 (total 229) - CD/Multimedia (225) and Books (4)

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