This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
390.CAP.04162/X 3 compositoras portuguesas
Constança Capdeville ¤ Clotilde Rosa; Isabel Soveral; Jorge Peixinho; Naoto Otomo; Carlos Franco; Manuel Jerónimo; João Ludovice
Portugal : EMI, 1994
200.SOM.04714 Dare to love
Jimmy Somerville
Inglaterra : London Records, 1995
200.NEV.04985 The tattooed heart
Aaron Neville
Inglaterra : A & M, 1995
300.GLU.05396 Don Juan : complete ballet / Christoph Willibald Gluck
Christoph Willibald Gluck ¤ George Frideric Handel; Neville Marriner; Simon Preston; Colin Tilney; Erik Smith; Michael Bremner; Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
London : Decca, 1992
300.STR.05435 Pulcinella; Apollon musagète; Capriccio
Igor Stravinsky ¤ Neville Marriner; John Ogdon; Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
London : Decca, 1972
300.HAY.05476 Horn concerto, duo concertante, 6 minuets [&] divertimento in G
Michael Haydn ¤ Barry Tuckwell; Simon Preston; Stephen Shingles; Colin Tilney; Neville Marriner; Anton Fietz; Philipp Mattheis; Günther Breitenbach; Nikolaus Hübner; Johann Krump; Academy of St. Martin in the Fields; The Vienna Octet
London : Decca, cop. 1993
300.BRI.05505/AB+ Death in Venice, Op. 88
Benjamin Britten ¤ Stewart Bedford; Peter Pears; John Shirley-Quirk; James Bowman; Kenneth Bowen; Myfanwy Piper; Thomas Mann; Stuart Harling; Michael Bauer; Anne Wilkens; Iris Saunders; Janice Hooper Roe; Robert Carpenter Turner; Neville Williams; James Stephen Adams; English Chamber Orchestra; The English Opera Group
Alemanha : London Records, 1990
200.SOU.05861/X Source lab 2
Alex Gopher; Dimitri From Paris; Le Tone; Zend Avesta; Doctor L; Bang Bang; Main Basse (Sur la Ville); Daft Punk; Ollano; Krell; Extra Lucid; Air
Paris : Source, p1996
200.VIL.06246 Loup Garou
Willy De Ville ¤ Freddy Koella; John Philip Shenale; Brian Ray; David Farraghar; Michael Urbano; David Keyes; Chris Spedding; Efrain Toro
[S.L.] : EastWest Records, 1995
100.SIN.06251/X Sing for freedom : the story of the civil rights movement through it's songs
Bertha Gober; Rutha Harris; Charles Sherrod; Jamie Culbreth; Betty Fikes; Charles Neblett; Cordell Reagon; Carlton Reece; Mamie Brown; Fannie Hammer; Bob Moses; Pete Seeger; Dorothy Cotton; Reverend Ralph Abernathy; Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.; Montgomery Improvement Association Trio Of High School Students; Nashville Quartet From American Baptist Theological Seminary; The SNCC Freedom Singers
USA : Smithsonian Folkways, 1990
Results 21 of about 30 (total 125) - CD/Multimedia (121) and Books (4)

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