This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
300.LIB.04588/X Libro de tientos : canto llano de la Immaculada Conception : Salve Regina
Francisco Correa de Arauxo ¤ Diego Ortiz; Bernard Foccroulle; Erik Van Nevel; Benoit Mernier; Jérôme Lejeune; Ruthi Simons
França : Ricercar, 1989
300.DUM.04596 Cantica sacra (1652)
Henry Du Mont ¤ Greta de Reyghere; Katelijne van Laethem; Ian Honeyman; Hervé Lamy; Max van Egmond; Philippe Pierlot; Sophie Watillon; Yvon Repérant; Philippe Malfeyt; Jérôme Lejeune; Ruthi Simons; Ricercar Consort
France : Ricercar, 1992
300.ROS.04699/AB Petite messe olennelle
Gioachino Rossini ¤ Mireille Capelle; Catherine Patriasz; Joseph Cornwell; Jelle Draijer; Jos van Immerseel; Wyneke Jordans; Leo van Doeselaar; Nederlands Kamerkoor
Bélgica : Accent, [s. d.]
100.DAV.04784 The Eddie Lockjaw Davis Cookbook : vol.2
Eddie Lockjaw Davis ¤ Shirley Scott; Jerome Richardson; George Duvivier; Arthur Edgehill
Deutschland : Prestige, 1991
300.HAN.04791 Concerti grossi op.3
George Frideric Handel ¤ John Eliot Gardiner; Simon Standage; Micaela Comberti; Roy Goodman; Julie Miller; Desmond Heath; Susan Carpentier-Jacobs; Elizabeth Wilcock; Graham Craknell; Katharine Hart; Annette Isserlis; Timothy Mason; Julie Lehwalder; Valerie Botwright; Amanda McNamara; Lisa Beznosiuk; John Turner; David Pugsley; Sophia McKenna; Gérard McDonald; Jeremy Ward; Alistair Mitchell; Alastair Ross; David Roblou; Michael Lewin; The English Baroque Soloists
Deutschland : Erato, 1995
100.MIN.04818 Mingus, Mingus, Mingus, Mingus, Mingus
Charles Mingus ¤ Eddie Preston; Richard Williams; Britt Woodman; Don Butterfield; Jerome Richardson; Dick Hafer; Booker Ervin; Eric Dolphy; Jaki Byard; Walter Perkins; Rolf Ericson; Quentin "Butter" Jackson; Charlie Mariano; Jay Berliner; Dannie Richmond
New York : Impulse : BMG, 1995
100.FOR.04872 A better understanding
Sonny Fortune ¤ Jerry Gonzalez; Robin Eubanks; Kenny Barron; Billy Hart; Ronnie Burrage
[S.l.] : Capitol, 1995
500.GRE.04993/X Great balls of fire
Jerry Lee Lewis
Estados Unidos da América : Polydor, 1989
100.ADD.05025 African Waltz
Julian Cannonball Adderley ¤ Bob Brookmeyer; Melba Liston; Jimmy Cleveland; Paul Faulise; Nat Adderley; Clark Terry; Ernie Royal; Nick Travis; George Dorsey; Arthur Clarke; Jerome Richardson; Oliver Nelson; Don Butterfield; Wynton Kelly; Sam Jones; Charlie Persip; Louis Hayes; Ray Barretto; Cannonball Adderley And His Orchestra
New York : Riverside, 1993
500.ABS.05086/X Absolute beginners : the original motion picture soundtrack
David Bowie; Sade; Ray Davies; Gil Evans; Slim Gaillard; Jerry Dammers; Clive Langer; Jonas; Alan Winstanley; Patsy Kensit; The Style Council; Eighth Wonder; Working Week; Tenpole Tudor; Smiley Culture
[United Kingdom?] : Virgin, p1986
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