This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
200.OSB.05809 Relish
Joan Osborne ¤ Eric Brazilian; Rob Hyman; Andy Kravitz; Rick Difonzo; Sammy Merendino; Chris Palmaro; William Wittman; Mark Egan; Rick Chertoff; Leo Osborne; Larry Campbell; Omar Hakim; Gary Lucas; Wade Schuman; Catherine Russell
[New York?] : PolyGram Records, p1995
089.MUS.17366/AB/X The music and song of Greentrax
Tony McManus; Mairi Innes; Hamish Moore; Ian Hardie; Heather Heywood; Eric Bogle; James Malcolm; Gordon Duncan; Gordon Bowman; Gill Bowman; Donald Black; Sheena Wellington; Brian McNeill; Catherine MacPhee; Robin Laing; Jean Redpath; Ed Miller; Dougie Pincock; Alastair McDonald; Ceolbeg; Janet Russell & Christine Kydd; Shooglenifty; Smalltalk; Seelyhoo; The McCalms; Drambuie Kirkliston Pipe Band; Thulbion; Whistlebinkies; Sangsters; Highland Connection; Bannal; Burach; Iain MacKintosh & Brian McNeill; Stravaig; The Scottish Gas Caledonian Pipe Band; Rua
Edinburgh : Greentrax, 1996
800.WEI.18758+ Aufstieg und fall der stadt Mahagonny [Documento electrónico] : opera in three acts
Kurt Weill ¤ Bertolt Brecht; Winfried Maczewski; Dennis Russell Davies; Peter Zadek; Verena Weiss; Michael Heinzl; Futaba Ueki; Heidelinde Rudy; Brian Large; Gwyneth Jones; Roy Cornelius Smith; Wilbur Pauley; Catherine Malfitano; Jerry Hadley; Udo Holdorf; Dale Duesing; Harry Peeters; Toby Spence; Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna; Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor
[Salzburg?] : Arthaus Musik, 1998
390.TEI.19811 Te Deum
António Teixeira ¤ Harry Christophers; Lynda Russell; Gillian Fisher; Catherine Denley; Catherine Wyn-Rogers; William Kendall; Andrew Murgatroyd; Peter Harvey; Michael George; The Sixteen; The Symphony of Harmony and Invention
[Oxford] : The Sixteen Productions, p2002
200.BOW.24812/AB+ A reality tour
David Bowie ¤ Gerry Leonard; Sterling Campbell; Earl Slick; Gail Ann Dorsey; Catherine Russell; Mike Garson; Jerry Rappaport
[New York?] : Sony Music Entertainment, p2009
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