This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
300.DON.01654/X Donnersõhne : gesãnge für den HL. Jakobus aus dem Codex Calixtinus (Santiago de Compostela, 12. jahrhumdert) = Sons of thunder : St. James the apostle from Codex Calixtinus (Santiago de Compostela, 12th century)
Sequentia • Benjamin Bagby; Barbara Thornton; Stephen Grant; William Hite; Friedhelm Hohmann; Colin Mason; Eric Mentzel; Raimund Nolte; Bernhard Schneider
Freiburg : Harmonia Mundi, 1992
300.TRO.01664/AB+ Trouvères : courtly love songs from northern France = Hofische liebeslieder aus nordfrankreich = Cantigas de Amor do norte de França
Sequentia • Conon de Béthune; Gace Brulé; Blondel de Nesle; Adam de La Hale; Jehannot de Lescurel; Petrus de Cruce; Barbara Thornton; Benjamin Bagby; Margriet Tindemans; Jill Feldman; Guillemette Laurens; Candace Smith; Josep Benet; Wendy Gillespie
Freiburg : Harmonia Mundi, 1990
300.PHI.01708 Notre-Dame Schule = Scholl of Notre-Dame
Philippe Le Chancelier • Barbara Thorton; Benjamin Bagby; Margriet Tindemans; Eric Mentzel; Edmund Brownless; Stephen Grant; Richard Corbeil; Sequentia
Alemanha : Harmonia Mundi, 1990
300.VOX.05343+ Vox Iberica III : El Sabio. Gesange für Konig Alfonso X. von Kastilien und León = Songs for King Alfonso X of Castile and León (1221-1284)
•Barbara Thornton; Benjamin Bagby; Elizabeth Glen; Debra Gomez; Cornelia Melián; Susanne Norin; Consuelo Sanudo; Stephen Grant; Eric Mentzel; Raimund Nolte; Bernhard Schneider; Sequentia
Alemanha : Harmonia Mundi, 1992
300.COD.05351 Codex las Huelgas (13th-14th cent.) : Gesange aus dem koniglichen konvent las Huelgas de Burgos (13./14. JH.) = Music from the Royal Convent of las Huelgas de Burgos (13th/14th cent.)
•Barbara Thornton; Benjamin Bagby; Debra Gomez; Johanna Koslowsky; Suzie Le Blanc; Martina Lins; Laurie Monahan; Susanne Norin; Karen Clark Young; Edmund Brownless; Stephen Grant; Eric Mentzel; Bernhard Schneider; Sequentia
Alemanha : Harmonia Mundi, 1992
300.AQU.09679 Aquitania : christmas music from Aquitanian Monasteries (12th century)
•Benjamin Bagby; Barbara Thornton; Sequentia; Coro S. Martial de Limoges
[s.l.] : BMG Classics, 1997
200.SEQ.22196+ Dante and the troubadours
Sequentia • Barbara Thornton; Benjamin Bagby; Elizabeth Gaver; Elisabetta de Mircovitch; Aimeric de Peguilhan; Guiraut de Bornelh; Arnaut Daniel; Bertran de Born; Peire d'Alvernhe; Folquet de Marseilla
[Eppelheim] : Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, p1995
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