This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Ajuda (terms with more than one character, for example Amália Rodrigues)    

Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
075.SAN.04718 All'aria : Italie : chants populaires = Italy : popular songs
France : Buda, [s.d.]
300.ENS.15323+ Printemps des plaisirs : an moyen age : lyrique courtoise XIIIe siècle = Celebrations of Spring : in the moddle ages : courtly poetry of the 12th-13th centuries
Ensemble Perceval ¤ Jean Erard; Guillaume le Viniers; Colin Muset; Raimbaut de Vaqueiras; Moniot d'Arras; Châtelain de Coucy; Adam de la Halle; Perrin d' Angicourt; Katia Caré; Jean-Paul Rigaud; Gisela Bellsolà; Alain Barré; Jean-Pierre Dubuquoy; Jean-Luc Redureau; Christophe Tellart; Vincent Richard; Guy Robert; Anne-Eléonore Bovon; Anne Garcenot; Christine Laveder; Tania Pividori; Sanacore
France : Arion, p1999
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