This catalogue is composed of two databases: CD/Multimedia (up to 25500 CDs-audio, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and Books (up to 5500 books, periodicals and press articles).

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Too see the details please click: CD-Audio (CD-Áudio), Book or Score (Book or Score), CD-ROM (CD-ROM), DVD (DVD), Periodicals (Periodicals) or Press article (Press article)
  Call Number Title Name Publication
500.UNT.06021/X Until the end of the world : music from the motion picture soundtrack
Graeme Revell; David Darling; Julee Cruise; Neneh Cherry; Lou Reed; Elvis Costello; Nick Cave; Patti Smith; Fred Smith; Jane Siberry; K. D. Lang; T-Bone Burnett; Daniel Lanois; Talking Heads; Crime & The City Solution; Can; R.E.M.; Depeche Mode; U2; Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Burbank : Warner, p1991
100.KIN.06096 So many roads
Albert King ¤ Otis Rush; Johnny Jones; Wilbur Thompson; Hal White; Freddie Robineth; Sam Wallace; Lee Otis; Theodis Morgan; Bob Neel; Lafayette Leake; Matt Murphy; Willie Dixon; Odie Payne
USA : Charly Records, 1992
300.BRA.06173 Rinaldo, op.50; Schicksalslied, op.50; Nanie, op.82
Johannes Brahms ¤ Claudio Abbado; Ernest Ansermet; James King; John McCarthy; Ambrosian Chorus; The, The New Philharmonia Orchestra; Les Choeurs de la Radio Suisse Romande et Pro Arte de Lausanne; Le Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Londres : Decca, 1991
300.GIB.06178 Church music
Orlando Gibbons ¤ David Willcocks; Simon Preston; Hugh McLean; Thurston Dart; Desmond Dupré; Dannis Nesbitt; Dietrich Kessler; Nigel Amherst; Boris Ord; The Jacobean Consort of Viols; Cambridge Choir of King's College
Londres : The Decca Record Company Limited, 1992
200.TWE.06187/X 20 vocal group classics
The Dells; The Moonglows; The Flamingos; Eldorados; The Monotones; The Penguins; The Skyliners; Tune Weavers; The Spaniels; The Orieles; The Magnificents; The Prisonaires; The Platters; The Del Vikings; Lee Andrews & The Hearts; Harvey & The Moonglows; The Sensations; The Clovers; The Marcels
EEC : Charly Records, 1992
300.MOR.06192 Ayres & madrigals
Thomas Morley ¤ Anthony Rooley; Emma Kirkby; Evelyn Tubb; Mary Nichols; Joseph Cornwell; Andrew King; Richard Wistreich; Poppy Holden; Jacqueline Fox; Cathy Cass; Philip Salmon; John Milne; Francis Steele; The Consort of Musicke
Londres : Editions L'Oiseau Lyre, 1993
100.SIN.06251/X Sing for freedom : the story of the civil rights movement through it's songs
Bertha Gober; Rutha Harris; Charles Sherrod; Jamie Culbreth; Betty Fikes; Charles Neblett; Cordell Reagon; Carlton Reece; Mamie Brown; Fannie Hammer; Bob Moses; Pete Seeger; Dorothy Cotton; Reverend Ralph Abernathy; Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.; Montgomery Improvement Association Trio Of High School Students; Nashville Quartet From American Baptist Theological Seminary; The SNCC Freedom Singers
USA : Smithsonian Folkways, 1990
300.BLO.06303+ Venus & Adonis
John Blow ¤ Philip Pickett; Martin Neary; Catherine Bott; Libby Crabtree; Michael George; Julia Gooding; Andrew King; Simon Grant; Christopher Robson; Paul Agnew; Alastair Brookshaw; Simon de Baat; Christian Wilson; Richard Silver; Stephen Brasier; Stephen Dickinson; Choristers of Westminster Abbey Choir; New London Consort
Londres : Editions L'Oiseau Lyre, 1994
300.BYR.06314 Psalms, sonets & songs of sadness and pietie (1588-selection)
William Byrd ¤ Anthony Rooley; Emma Kirkby; Poppy Holden; Jacqueline Fox; Evelyn Tubb; John York Skinner; Mary Nichols; Cathy Cass; Joseph Cornwell; Andrew King; John Milne; Francis Steele; Trevor Jones; Alison Crum; Oliver Hirsh; Gregor Anthony; The Consort of Musicke; Viol Consort
Londres : Editions L'oiseau Lyre, 1994
300.HAN.06318 Chandos anthems 5A, 6, 9
George Frideric Handel ¤ David Willcocks; Elizabeth Vaughan; Alexander Young; Forbes Robinson; April Cantelo; Ian Partridge; Caroline Friend; Philip Langridge; Andrew Davis; John Langdon; Academy of St. Martin in the Fields; Cambridge, The Choir of King's College
Londres : Decca, 1993
Results 41 of about 50 (total 244) - CD/Multimedia (241) and Books (3)

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